Member Marketing Tools
Put the Chamber to work for your business.
Now available: Chamber E-Newsletter Banner Ads
Reach the region’s business and civic leaders with a banner ad in the Chamber President Greg Reibman’s well-read email daily newsletters.
Packed with the latest local and regional news, business updates and chamber events, reach up to 8000 hyper-local and engaged business and community recipients Tues-Fri. mornings at 7 a.m. (with additional alerts sent as needed).
With an above average industry open rate, your message will link directly to a webpage of your choosing.
- Your chamber email banner ad will be inserted into a minimum of three emails over a week period; once on the top of the page, and twice lower on the page.
- Ad size is 600 pix wide x 90 pix tall.
- Web ad must be provided by advertiser.
- Content and design subject to the chamber’s approval.
Rates (prepaid):
- $150 per week/non-profit member
- $300 per week/for-profit member
- $400 per week/non-members
Multi-week discounts:
- 1-2 weeks = $300
- 3 = $825
- 4 = $1100
Multi-week discounts are subject to availability. (And you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you will be supporting the chamber's advocacy at the same time,)
Please contact Lise Elcock for additional information or banner ad space reservation.