How many attendees do you expect and who typically attends the event?
We expect 500+ attendees throughout the course of the evening. It’s typically employees of local businesses, business owners, local political leaders, residents and foodies. This is the first Spring Seasonings since our chamber’s expansion from Newton and Needham into Watertown and Wellesley so we’re thrilled to welcome both attendees and restaurants/caterers/beverage shops from all four chamber communities as well as neighboring towns.
This is a business-heavy crowd to if you are seeking corporate catering business or private function rentals – we definitely encourage you to feature menu items/marketing materials geared towards this audience.
Can I cook my items on site?
We encourage you to fully prep items off-site and only bring what you need to hold hot/cold, and plate your items. However, if you are envisioning live cooking, let us know what you are thinking so we can make sure your booth is positioned appropriately (i.e. not under a smoke detector) and run it by the team at the Marriott to make sure it will work. Avoid cooking methods that release grease laden smoke. Kitchen facilities are not available at the hotel.
What will I have for a booth space?
Each exhibitor will have a 6ft table (with black skirted linen), and sign showcasing your name, location and website. You’ll also have a small prep area behind your table. We’ll provide napkins, your choice of bowls, small plates or tasting cups. You are welcome (but not required) to bring décor, menus and other display items to recreate the ambiance of your establishment.
300-400 portions sounds like a lot – I’m not sure I can handle food cost/prep for this crowd. What are my options?
Please reach out to us to discuss ways we can help support your restaurant’s participation. From shared booth space with fewer portions to on-site volunteer support we can brainstorm solutions to help make the experience both feasible and valuable.
I want to participate but am concerned about staffing, what should I do?
We do require at least one person in charge be present from each exhibitor for the duration of the event. However, we can support you by helping to find volunteers to assist with unloading, set up and/or serving during the event. Just let us know if you think you might need extra help.
When does set up open day of? What time do I need to be ready?
Set up opens at 3 p.m. and we ask all participants to be ready to go for 5p.m. If you are planning to bring hot food close to the start time, we encourage you to come earlier in the day to unload and set up any décor or non-food items to expedite last-minute rush (you won’t be the only one trying to squeeze in last-minute!)
I’m not currently a chamber member, can I still participate?
We do require that all participants be members of the chamber but if you are not currently a member just let us know on the application and we’ll follow up with an invoice so you can easily get set up. Beyond Spring Seasonings, year round membership benefits include participation in the chamber’s dining collaborative, access to business support resources, marketing benefits, event hosting opportunities, local advocacy/community support – and so much more. Annual fees are $325 (single location/local owned) or $345 (all other restaurant groups, franchises). If you are concerned about the financial contribution, please let us know and we can discuss payment options.